
Bloomchasers: A Delightful 3D Tree Game of Flowers and Wits

Created by Evan Katz

30-min light strategy game for adults! Grow your flowers and outwit opponents on a stunning 3D tree, either as a team or competitively!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Box Molds + Assembled Tree!
3 days ago – Tue, Oct 15, 2024 at 06:34:56 AM

Hi leafy friends,

Another quick update for you here! We're in the final stages of mass production approvals, and continue to be really pleased with how all these Bloomchasers components have grown up (ha!).

We've had to make a couple unexpected tiny revisions to the "pegs" of the flowers so they sit correctly on the leaves without wobbling (literally tiny — the difference was hardly visible!) but it made gameplay much smoother and solved any issues of accidentally knocking off buds/flowers during play.

Here's a pic of the nearly mass production-ready assembled tree (colors are still getting finalized; those birds need to be a lot brighter red!)

Some of you may have been wondering, "How the heck does this thing pack into a box??" So glad you asked! Making storage that's intuitive and easy to use over and over is a big part of the game experience, so we're working hand-in-hand with the manufacturer to get this part right. This isn't finalized, but it'll look something along these lines with a two-part interior:

That's all for now — enjoy the fall leaves, if you're in a part of the world that's doing that right now!
-Evan, Josh, & Tavey

Flowers + Branches First Mass Production Tests!
about 1 month ago – Thu, Sep 05, 2024 at 11:21:07 AM

Hi shady tree people,

Just a quick —  but fun — update for you today! Now that our 3D files have been approved, our manufacturing partner has been hard at work making and testing the molds that each component will use in mass production.

Check out these early tests from some of the components, fresh out of the mold! (Note: these are not the final colors; that will get fine-tuned in the next step.)

We're super pleased with how these are turning out, and can't wait to share a shot of a fully assembled set once enough components are ready. Stay tuned!

Evan, Josh, and Tavey

Final 3D Components Updates — check these flowers out!!
3 months ago – Thu, Jul 25, 2024 at 06:41:06 AM

Hello saplings and mighty oaks,

Just a quick Bloomchasers update for you! We've been continually working with our manufacturing partner to take every little component in this game from "good" to "awesome," and we're finally there. (You wouldn't believe how much the minutiae of "leaf angle" matters in keeping buds from getting knocked off every time you bump the tree, but we figured it out!)

Here's a sneak peek at what the final components will look like from a recent 3D print — obviously the final version will be in color!

We printed this version with our in-house 3D printers (thanks Tavey!), so next we'll be receiving a preliminary sample straight from the manufacturer for further spot-checking. After that, it's off to the races!

As of now, all production timelines are still on track. But, unforeseen things sometimes do happen to slow production and logistics process — if they do, you'll be the first know.

Thanks! May your weather cards be good and your flowers plentiful. Until next time,

Evan, Josh, & Tavey

Bloomchasers instructions sneak peek!
4 months ago – Tue, Jul 02, 2024 at 07:16:41 AM

Hi early Bloomers,

Hope you're having a lovely month, and keeping your leaves cool if you live somewhere hot like us (southern USA) — feels like every day we're drawing another Sun card!

Speaking of the Weather Deck, here's a little sneak peek into the draft instructions our awesome designer is working on! Revealing the cards in the Weather Deck at the end of each game is one of our favorite gameplay parts — you won't know till the end exactly which cards were in the climate of the game!

As far as manufacturing timelines, all is on track. We're still in the fine tuning process as far as getting 3D CAD files prepped for optimal manufacturing, along with checking box design die lines, etc. Lots of little details, but they're important!

Talk soon,
Evan + Josh
P.S. Have a friend that would love this game, but missed the campaign? We've now enabled Late Pledges, so they can still pre-order a copy right here on the Kickstarter page! (Late Pledges will receive their Pledge Manager email about a month after pledging.)

Manufacturing Updates + Abducktion In Canada!
5 months ago – Thu, May 30, 2024 at 08:19:02 AM

Hi Future Bloomers,

Spring is here, and things are happening in Bloomchasers world! Right now, we're in conversation with the manufacturer, and focused on making small but important adjustments to make all components a super smooth experience to play with. 

For instance, as some of you pointed out in our prototype playthrough video, a slight bump to the tree could cause buds to fly off en masse — no fun. We've been able to make some slight modifications to the upper shapes of the leaves to better "catch" the buds, so now they just rustle around pleasingly if they get bumped!

(This 3D-model is intentionally low fidelity — it'll be nice and smoothed out in the production version!)
(This 3D-model is intentionally low fidelity — it'll be nice and smoothed out in the production version!)

Also, if you happen to be one of our friends living in Canada, good news — our other bestselling games, Abducktion and Ransom Notes, are finally available in Canada! 

We don't have the ability to add these games to your pledge, but you can purchase them directly from our site at the pages below — free shipping too! (Apologies we don't have Abducktion stock yet in the rest of the world — we're working on it!)

Abducktion for Canada
Ransom Notes for Canada

Thanks all, and stay tuned for more updates!
Evan, Josh, and Tavey

P.S. Make sure you check your email from Backerkit Pledge manager — many of you haven't opened it yet; it went to the email you have on file with Kickstarter! If for some reason you didn't receive it, message me (Evan) and we'll get it sorted for you.